War Poetry Structure
A detailed poetry lesson that analyses structure through caesuras and enjambent in William Stafford’s At The Bomb Testing Site. We explore perspective and how viewing the awful power of nuclear devices through the eyes of a lizard actually creates more of an effect for the reader, before going to look at how pace and tension can be manipulated through caesuras, enjambment and structure. A very useful lesson for KS3 students analysing poetry, but also for KS4 students preparing for unseen poetry and English Literature exams.
War Poetry Structure
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A detailed poetry lesson that analyses structure through caesuras and enjambent in William Stafford’s At The Bomb Testing Site. We explore perspective and how viewing the awful power of nuclear devices through the eyes of a lizard actually creates more of an effect for the reader, before going to look at how pace and tension can be manipulated through caesuras, enjambment and structure. A very useful lesson for KS3 students analysing poetry, but also for KS4 students preparing for unseen poetry and English Literature exams.
A detailed poetry lesson that analyses structure through caesuras and enjambent in William Stafford’s At The Bomb Testing Site. We explore perspective and how viewing the awful power of nuclear devices through the eyes of a lizard actually creates more of an effect for the reader, before going to look at how pace and tension can be manipulated through caesuras, enjambment and structure. A very useful lesson for KS3 students analysing poetry, but also for KS4 students preparing for unseen poetry and English Literature exams.
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