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The EnglishGCSE.co.uk team has over a decade of teaching experience in UK secondary schools, in classroom teacher, Head of Department, Middle Leader and SLT roles. We LOVE planning engaging, challenging lessons and have gained excellent feedback from teachers around the world for our free and inexpensive lessons and resources. We have been nominated for a TES Schools Award for our English resources.
All of our lessons are differentiated throughout, are designed to be interesting and engaging for students from KS3 to KS5 (Grade 6 to Grade 12) and meet the requirements for UK exam boards. As well as lessons and schemes for teachers, we produce revision guides, exam practice packs and resources for both parents/carers and students to best prepare for GCSEs and A-levels. Additionally, we are available for commissions and bespoke lesson planning services. Ultimately, we aim to always provide high quality, fully resourced teaching packages for the cost of a cup of coffee. Our mission is to save teachers time and make their jobs a little easier.
free or inexpensive resourcesto aid lesson planning
High quality
editable, differentiated and easyto follow resources