Lord of the Flies Context EnglishGCSE.co.uk

Lord of the Flies Context

Author: EnglishGCSE.co.uk
£3.00 300
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Lord of the Flies context lesson that explores key contexts around William Golding’s novel including the Cold War, the Atomic Age, Psychoanalytical Theory and Humanity and Evil, as we continue our study of this English Literature text.An excellent way to introduce the text to both KS3 and KS4 classes.
Lord of the Flies context lesson that explores key contexts around William Golding’s novel including the Cold War, the Atomic Age, Psychoanalytical Theory and Humanity and Evil, as we continue our study of this English Literature text.

An excellent way to introduce the text to both KS3 and KS4 classes.
Lord of the Flies context lesson that explores key contexts around William Golding’s novel including the Cold War, the Atomic Age, Psychoanalytical Theory and Humanity and Evil, as we continue our study of this English Literature text.

An excellent way to introduce the text to both KS3 and KS4 classes.