AQA English Language Paper 1 Structure Q3 2026
AQA English Language Paper 1 Section A Q3 lesson for the new 2026 exam papers which have some changes from the old pre-2025 papers.
We explore the key skills needed to master Q3 (structure/structural analysis) in the exam, analysing an extract from a specimen paper.
We explore Q3 and look at how to analyse structure, focusing on how writers use narrative perspectives and how these can be used to build empathy for characters or narrators.
We look at how empathy can affect our thoughts and feelings for a character and then this leads into students writing their own Q3 answers.
Finally, we analyse a model Q3 structure answer and peer assess our answers around key skills.
This lesson will lead into further lessons about structural/structure analysis as part of a new unit of work/scheme of work that is being developed.
AQA English Language Paper 1 Section A Q3 lesson for the new 2026 exam papers which have some changes from the old pre-2025 papers.
We explore the key skills needed to master Q3 (structure/structural analysis) in the exam, analysing an extract from a specimen paper.
We explore Q3 and look at how to analyse structure, focusing on how writers use narrative perspectives and how these can be used to build empathy for characters or narrators.
We look at how empathy can affect our thoughts and feelings for a character and then this leads into students writing their own Q3 answers.
Finally, we analyse a model Q3 structure answer and peer assess our answers around key skills.
This lesson will lead into further lessons about structural/structure analysis as part of a new unit of work/scheme of work that is being developed.
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