A collection of TWENTY English Language Paper 2 Question 5 lessons (17 x1 hour and 3x 2 hour) that cover writing to argue, writing to advise, writing to persuade, letter writing and essay writing. A great collection of differentiated activities, modelled examples, scaffolded sentences and guided peer and self reflection that enables students to learn from others and improve their non-fiction writing in preparation for AQA English Language Paper 2 Section B or Question 5.
Keep checking your downloads as I will keep adding more and more to this bundle.
The suggested order of lessons is as follows (although this is by no means obligatory):
AQA Paper 2 Section B Speech Writing
Speech Openers
Churchill Speech Writing
Lincoln Speech Writing
Speech Structure
Newspaper Writing
Magazine Article Writing
Writing to Persuade - Football
Greta Thunberg Speech Writing
Black History Month - Essay Writing
Writing to Advise
Letter Writing - Writing A Formal Letter
Writing to Persuade - Letters of Complaint
AQA English Language Exam Prep/Mock prep lesson
Pack also contains:
Assessment planning for writing to argue - could be used as a separate writing to argue lesson
Assessment planning for letter writing - could be used as a separate letter writing lesson
Paper 2 Question 5 revision pack
Knowledge organiser for revision
June 2018 AQA exam review lesson if you use this paper as a mock/prep
June 2018 AQA exam review lesson if you use this paper as a mock/prep
A collection of TWENTY English Language Paper 2 Question 5 lessons (17 x1 hour and 3x 2 hour) that cover writing to argue, writing to advise, writing to persuade, letter writing and essay writing. A great collection of differentiated activities, modelled examples, scaffolded sentences and guided peer and self reflection that enables students to learn from others and improve their non-fiction writing in preparation for AQA English Language Paper 2 Section B or Question 5.
Keep checking your downloads as I will keep adding more and more to this bundle.
The suggested order of lessons is as follows (although this is by no means obligatory):
AQA Paper 2 Section B Speech Writing
Speech Openers
Churchill Speech Writing
Lincoln Speech Writing
Speech Structure
Newspaper Writing
Magazine Article Writing
Writing to Persuade - Football
Greta Thunberg Speech Writing
Black History Month - Essay Writing
Writing to Advise
Letter Writing - Writing A Formal Letter
Writing to Persuade - Letters of Complaint
AQA English Language Exam Prep/Mock prep lesson
Pack also contains:
Assessment planning for writing to argue - could be used as a separate writing to argue lesson
Assessment planning for letter writing - could be used as a separate letter writing lesson
Paper 2 Question 5 revision pack
Knowledge organiser for revision
June 2018 AQA exam review lesson if you use this paper as a mock/prep
June 2018 AQA exam review lesson if you use this paper as a mock/prep