Jekyll and Hyde Chapter 4
Jekyll and Hyde lesson that focuses on the Gothic. A fully differentiated and resourced lesson that looks at the use of Gothic imagery in Mr Utterson’s dream during Chapter 2. Ideal preparation for KS4 students preparing for AQA English Literature Paper 1 or easily adaptable for KS3 students. Includes video clips, differentiated resources and more.
Jekyll and Hyde Chapter 4
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Jekyll and Hyde lesson that focuses on the Gothic. A fully differentiated and resourced lesson that looks at the use of Gothic imagery in Mr Utterson’s dream during Chapter 2. Ideal preparation for KS4 students preparing for AQA English Literature Paper 1 or easily adaptable for KS3 students. Includes video clips, differentiated resources and more.
Jekyll and Hyde lesson that focuses on the Gothic. A fully differentiated and resourced lesson that looks at the use of Gothic imagery in Mr Utterson’s dream during Chapter 2. Ideal preparation for KS4 students preparing for AQA English Literature Paper 1 or easily adaptable for KS3 students. Includes video clips, differentiated resources and more.
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